
简 介
美孚克特切削油 321 为全合成不含油份的抗菌型切削液,专为高精度磨削及轻负荷加工配制,经精心平衡调配而成,故加工性能优异,使用寿命长久。
优 点
· 除慢速磨削外,对于各种磨削均有卓越性能表现。
· 即使在软水中剧烈搅拌亦不易有泡沫形成。
· 抗菌性好,寿命长久。
· 在导轨和夹具表面留下一层软及高度流动性的薄膜。
· 易与切削的粉屑分离。
· 即使与含高氯量水混合,亦有很强的抗腐蚀性。
· 不含亚硝酸盐,胺及酚。
· 对机件上的油漆无不良影响。
用 途
适用各种磨削工序,包括成型研磨,亦用于容易加 工之有色金属的轻负荷加工。 建议使用浓度 无芯磨削3-5% 外圆磨削及表面磨削2-4% 成型研磨5-10%

Product Descr1ption
Mobilcut 321 is a fully biostable mineral oil free metalworking fluid. Specially formulated for high performance grinding and light duty machining. Mobilcut 321 is a carefully balanced product designed to give excellent machining performance and long charge life.
· Excellent performance is all grinding operations except Creep Feed Grinding.
· Very low foam potential even when severely agitated in soft water.
· Fully biostable for long charge life.
· Leaves a sofe highly mobile fluid film on machine slides and fixtures.
· Excellent separation from fines.
· Outstanding resistance to corrosion even in high chloride water.
· Free from nitrites, secondary amines and phenolic materials.
· No adverse effects on machine tool paintwork.
All grinding operations including form grinding. Light duty machining of easy to machine ferrous materials.
Recommended Dilutions Centreless Grinding 3-5% Cylindrical & Surface Grinding 2-4% Form Grinding 5-10%    

Characteristics 特 性以 下 所 列 数 据 除 特 别 注 明 外, 均 为 典 型 值
Typical values unless otherwise stated


Fluorescent green
绿 色 荧 光

Density @ 15°C,kg/L

Emulsion Type
乳 液 型 式
Green fluorescent solution
绿 色 荧 光 溶 液
pH @ 3% Emulsion
pH 值 (3% 浓 度 )
Corrosion Test (IP 287)
腐 蚀 试 验 (IP 287)
2.0% Break Point
2.0% 破 点