
简 介
美孚克特 AF 是抗泡及消泡剂,用在乳化及水溶性金属切削液中,也可用在其它工业用水基液体系统中.
优 点
· 大大减少水基液体系统起泡可能性
· 对经用此产品处理过的切削液或工业液体无不良作用
· 减少乳化液中的泡沫
· 极少或无淤渣
· 不会影响随后的加工如油漆和电镀
· 低处理剂比例,因此经济高效
· 不含副胺
用 途
在水基液体使用中作为控制液体起泡倾向的添加剂。推 荐 浓 度 切削液系统,如欲加入美孚克特 AF 消泡应按 0.01-0.02% 的比例添加。应将依建议调制的浓缩液溶解在新配制的乳化液中,然后缓慢加入循环泵的吸入口以便有效分散。

Product Descr1ption
Mobilcut AF is an antifoam and defoaming agent for use in metal working fluid emulsions and solutions and in other water based industrial fluid systems.
· Significantly reduces foaming potential of water based systems
· No adverse effect on metal working fluid or industrial fluid which has been treated
· Reduces foam in emulsion form
· Little or no residue
· Will not effect subsequent processes including painting and electroplating
· Low treat rate make it a very cost effective defoamant
· Free form secondary amines
All grinding operations including form grinding. Light duty machining of easy to machine ferrous materials.Recommended Dilutions For use as a defoaming agent for addition to systems in use Mobilcut AF should be added at 0.01-0.02%. The recommended concentration should be dissolved in a freshly prepared emulsion of the product in use and added slowly to the inlet side of the circulation pump to effect efficient dispersion.

Characteristics 特 性以 下 所 列 数 据 除 特 别 注 明 外, 均 为 典 型 值
Typical values unless otherwise stated


Off White Opaque Fluid
白 色 不 透 明 液 体

Density @ 15°C,kg/L
