
简 介
优 点
用 途

Product Descr1ption
Vacmul O3D is a type of high efficiency straight honing and super finishing oil developed to cover a wide range of ferrous metals. This oil is transparent,giving a clear view of the work piece, which is important when setting up complex tooling or dressing intricate profile grinding wheels and machining intricate components. This oil reduces abrasive tool wear and gives improved surface finish.Its low viscosity assists the penetration of the oil to the grinding area and the removal of heat generated by the grinding or cutting operation. This prevents overheating, distortion and dimensional inaccuracies nd discoloration of the work piece.
Increased production resulting from longer tool life and reduced downtime for tool changes and wheel dressing
· Good surface finish and dimensional accuracy resulting in fewer rejects Transparency permitting easy viewing of work piece and fixtures
Vacmul O3D is primarily intended for honing and grinding operations especially suitable for cast iron and steels, even the rough and finish honing of safetyrazor blades. This oil is also suitable for light dutyhigh-speed applications and for use in large volume circulation systems where continuous filtration is employed. Its low viscosity ensures that the fines are speedily flushed away from the cutting area and permits them to settle out readily from the oil or to be filtered from it.

Characteristics 特 性以 下 所 列 数 据 除 特 别 注 明 外, 均 为 典 型 值
Typical values unless otherwise stated

Density @ 15°C,kg/L

颜 色
D 8.0
Flash Point , °C ( PMC )
闪 点 ,°C ( 闭 口 )
Viscosity @ 40 OC , cSt
粘 度 40 OC , 厘 斯
Copper Corrosion , 铜 片 腐 蚀
3 Hours at 100°C , 3小时/100°C