
简 介
美孚飞马8 0 1系列是优质无灰燃气机油, 适用于所有以低速、中速及高速运行的各类型燃气机。采用精炼基础油和先进的添加剂配制而成, 具有高度的化学和热稳定性。故能防止在活塞、气缸顶部、进气及排气口、活塞环、活塞环槽、活塞裙、阀杆及燃烧室等形成积碳和灰分沉积, 从而保护整个发动机非常清洁。用于涡轮增压四冲程发动机也 可减少发动机和阀座的磨损。同时, 对在严苛工况的发动机, 有优异的防划伤性能并有突出的防腐蚀保护。延长润滑油和过滤器的使用寿命以及发动机的大修周期。
用 途
美孚飞马8 0 1系列用于所有火花塞点火的低、中、高速二冲程和四冲程燃气发动机的曲轴箱、动力缸和压缩机汽缸。这些发动机驱动压缩机以便收集、传输、储存和分配燃气。这些设备大多安装在遥远的地方而且长期无人照管, 并多数情况下是满负荷运转,其它时候是断断续续运行或在备用状态,这要求 其可靠性相当高。美孚飞马8 0 1系列经实际使用证明,当作为多用途油, 尤其是在需要防止汽缸划伤的高度涡轮增压的发动机上使用有极佳效果。这系列油也可用于润滑天然气或石油气压缩机汽缸, 但这些气体必需是干 燥的及无石油液体悬浮其中。
优 点
美孚飞马8 0 1系列具有以下优点:
·延长发动机使用寿命, 降低维修成本
·大大地减少漆膜、油泥和灰分沉积,从而减少能量损失, 提高燃料经济性
·优越的热稳定性, 减少碳化
·油品使用寿命长, 降低油品消耗
美孚飞马8 0 1系列被所有的天然气发动机制
·I n g e r s o l l - R a n d 所有运行等级( I, I I , I I I 类)
·C a t e r p i l l a r
·C l a r k
·C o o p e r - B e s s e m e r
另外, 也被大多数燃气发动机制造商认可,如 C o o p e r S u p e r i o r , W a u k e s h a 和D e l a v a l E n t e r p r i s e 。

Product Descr1ption
Mobil Pegasus 801 Series are premium quality ashless gas engine oils intended for the lubrication of all classes of gas engines operating at low, medium and high speeds. They are formulated from highly refined base oils and an advanced additive system to provide a high level of chemical and thermal stability. They provide outstanding engine cleanliness by preventing the formation of carbon and ash deposits on piston and cylinder heads, in exhaust and intake ports, piston rings and grooves, piston skirts, on valve stems and in the combustion chamber. They minimise engine wear and curtail wear in valve seats of turbocharged, four-stroke cycle engines. Mobil Pegasus 801 Series provide superior protection against scuffing in demanding engine applications and protection against corrosion is excellent. Filter life and oil life are extended and, consequently, so is the time between normal overhaul periods.
Mobil Pegasus 801 Series are recommended for the lubrication of the crankcase, power-cylinders and compressor cylinders of all classes of
spark-ignited two- and four-stroke-cycle gas-fuelled engines operating at low, medium and high speeds. Such engines drive gas compressors in gathering, transmitting, storing and distributing natural gas. Many of these installations are in remote locations and the engines operate virtually unattended for long periods. In many cases the engines are operated at, or in excess of, full rated output, while in other cases, the engines are in intermittent or standby service. Reliability, therefore, is essential. Mobil Pegasus 801 Series are fully field proven and show superior results when used as multipurpose oils, particularly in highly turbocharged engines requiring protection against scuffing of the cylinder liners. The oils may also be used for the lubrication of the compressor cylinders in natural or petroleum gas service, provided the gas is dry and free of suspended petroleum liquids.
Mobil Pegasus 801 Series offers the following advantages :
·Extended engine life leading to reduced overhaul costs
·Outstanding antiwear and antiscuff properties
·Excellent resistance to oxidation and nitration
·Substantially reduced varnish, sludge and ash deposits resulting in minimum power losses and improved fuel economy
·Excellent thermal stability and reduced coking
·Outstanding spark plug life
·Effective lubrication at low starting temperatures & high operating temperatures
·Longer oil life and lower oil consumption
Mobil Pegasus 801 Series are approved by all builders of natural gas engines:
·lngersoll Rand - all service levels (Categories I, II, & III)
Mobil Pegasus 801 Series is approved for most gas-fueled engines manufactured by: Cooper Superior, DeLaval Enterprise, Waukesha    

Characteristics 特 性以 下 所 列 数 据 除 特 别 注 明 外, 均 为 典 型 值
Typical values unless otherwise stated

Mobil Pegasus 801-SAE 30
美孚飞马8 0 1 - S A E 3 0
Mobil Pegasus 801 SAE 40
美孚飞马8 0 1 - S A E 4 0

SAE Grade
SAE 等 级


Viscosity 粘 度
cSt @ 40℃ @40℃ 厘 斯
cSt @ 100℃ @100℃ 厘 斯


Viscosity Index
粘 度 指 数

Sulphated Ash, wt%
硫 酸 盐 灰 份, 重 量%
Total Base Number, mg KOH/g
总 碱 值, mg KOH/g
Flash Point, ℃
闪 火 点.,℃
Pour Point, ℃
倾 点,℃
Density @ 15 ℃,kg/L
密 度 @ 15 ℃, 千克 / 升