
简 介
美孚飞马701系列机油是优质无灰的燃气机油, 主要用於以火花塞点火的二冲程及四冲程燃气机中的动力及压缩气缸和曲轴箱的润滑。它们由优质的矿物油及高级的添加剂精炼而成, 提供高度的化学稳定性及抗氧化和抗腐蚀性能。由於具有极佳的抗散性能、高温清洁性能及稳定性, 大大减少残炭及灰份堆积。避免了因堆积物形成所引起的震爆。无论在自然吸气或涡轮增压二冲程燃气机中 美孚飞马701系列机油都能够延长气门残炭清洁的週期。並且提供优越的发动机清洁性、过滤器寿命及延长发动机大修期。其高粘度指数及低温流动性确保高温的有效润滑及低温的起动性能。美孚飞马701系列机油经实地验证及得到所有的天然气发动机製造商所确认及推荐。
用 途
美孚飞马701系列机油被推荐用於由火花塞点火的二冲程及四冲程燃气机中的动力及压缩气缸和曲轴箱的润滑它们特别适用於所有高速的二冲程燃气机。除了需要特别重负荷、高载荷表现的严峻用途外, 亦可用於现代化的低速二冲程及四冲 程燃气机。
优 点
美孚飞马7 0 1 系列具有以下优点:
·燃烧室清洁, 避免动力损耗
·减少气门的堵塞, 清理週期较长

Product Descr1ption
Mobil Pegasus 701 Series oils are premium quality ashless gas engine oils primarily intended for the lubrication of the crankcase and power and compression cylinders of sparkignited two-stroke and four stroke cycle gas-fueled engines. They are formulated from high quality ineral oils and an advanced additive system to provide a high level of chemical stability and resistance to oxidation and corrosion. heirexcellent dispersancy and high temperature detergency and stability ensure that carbon and ash deposits are negligible. The formation of deposits which could cause detonation is prevented. Mobil Pegasus 701 Series extends port carbon cleaning intervals in two-cycle naturally aspirated and turbocharged gas engines. They also provide superior engine cleanliness and filter life and extend the periods between engine overhauls. Their high viscosity index and low temperature fluidity ensure effective lubrication at high operating temperaturers and low starting temperatures. Mobil Pegasus 701 Series oils are field proven and are approved/recommended by all builders of natural gas engines
Mobil Pegasus 701 Series are recommended for the lubrication of the crankcase and power and compression cylinders of spark-ignited two-stroke and four-stroke gas fueled engines. They are particularly suitable for all high speed two-cycle gas engines and may be used in odern two-and four-cycle low speed engines, except where severity of application requires special heavy duty, load carrying performance.
Mobil Pegasus 710 Series offers the following advantages :
·Major builder approval covering natural and bio gas applications
·Reduced combustion chamber deposits to cater for the higher temperatures produced by gas engines
·Increased lubricant life
·Good control of valve wear
·Reduced heat exchanger deposits
·Low engine maintenance and long service life
·High resistance to corrosive attack
·High resistance to oxidation and nitration

Characteristics 特 性以 下 所 列 数 据 除 特 别 注 明 外, 均 为 典 型 值
Typical values unless otherwise stated

Mobil Pegasus 701 SAE 30
美孚飞马 701 SAE 30
Mobil Pegasus 701 SAE 40
美孚飞马 701 SAE 40

SAE Grade
SAE 等 级


Density @ 15 ℃,kg/L
密 度 @ 15 ℃, 千克 / 升


Pour Point, ℃
倾点, ℃

Flash Point, ℃
闪 火 点.,℃
Viscosity 粘 度
cSt @ 40℃ @40℃ 厘 斯
cSt @ 100℃ @100℃ 厘 斯
Viscosity Index
粘 度 指 数
Total Base Number, mg KOH/g
总 碱 值, mg KOH/g
Sulphated Ash, wt%
硫 酸 盐 灰 份, 重 量%