
简 介
美孚飞马6 1 0 是粘度 S A E 4 0 的优质燃气机油,其特殊的添加剂可以中和来自生物型燃气的严重的污染物。本油有较高的碱性以中和侵蚀性燃气中卤化物和硫化氢燃烧时所产生的副产品。美孚飞马6 1 0 由采用精炼的石蜡基基础油,氧化稳定性极好; 加有抗磨添加剂和清净分散剂, 对燃气机进行全面保护。
用 途
美孚飞马6 1 0的独特配方使其可用于含铜轴承的老式燃气机, 另外用在以硫化氢含量高于1 0 0 0 p p m 和/或氯含量在6 0 p p m以上的生物型燃气为燃料的燃气机时, 也有突出的性能表现。燃气机主要有两种类型: 火花塞点火和以柴油油油先导点火。美孚飞马6 1 0用于有严格要求的火花塞点火燃气机由于燃气是一种天生的清洁燃料, 燃烧室的 积碳主要来自润滑油, 因此普通的发动机油 不适用于火花塞点火的燃气机。
优 点
美孚飞马6 1 0 系列具有以下优点:
·降低发动机的维修费用, 延长发动机使用寿命

Product Descr1ption
Mobil Pegasus 610 is a premium quality SAE 40 lubricantemploying specially developed additives to neutralise the effect of highly taminated bio gases. The high alkaline level of Mobil Pegasus 610 neutralises the by-products formed during combustion of the halogens and/orhydrogen sulphide found in very aggressive bio gases. The superior oxidation stability of Mobil Pegasus 610 is achieved through the use of highly refined paraffinic base oils. This lubricant also contains wear resistance and detergent/dispersant additives. The high ash assists in
maintaining clean combustion spaces and optimises valve protection in the presence of harsh bio gases.
Mobil Pegasus 610 has been formulated to cater for older gas engines having copper based bearing metals. Additionally Mobil Pegasus 610 shows outstanding performance in gas engines fuelled by bio gas having hydrogen sulphide levels above 1000 ppm and/or chlorine levels above 60 ppm. There are two main types of gas engines, i.e. spark ignition or pilot ignition with diesel fuel (dual fuel type). Mobil Pegasus
610 is formulated primarily for use in the more critical spark ignition engines. Since gas is inherently a clean burning fuel, the main source of combustion chamber deposits will be lubricating oil and for this reason normal engine lubricants are unsuitable for spark ignited gas engines.
Mobil Pegasus 610 Series offers the following advantages :
·Major builder approval
·Reduced combustion chamber deposits to cater for the higher temperatures produced for gas engines
·Increased lubricant life
·Good control of valve wear
·Reduced heat exchange deposits
·Low engine maintenance and long service life
·High resistance to corrosive attack
·High resistance to oxidation and nitration

Characteristics 特 性以 下 所 列 数 据 除 特 别 注 明 外, 均 为 典 型 值
Typical values unless otherwise stated

Mobil Pegasus 610
美孚飞马61 0

SAE Grade
SAE 等 级


Viscosity 粘 度
cSt @ 40℃ @40℃ 厘 斯
cSt @ 100℃ @100℃ 厘 斯


Viscosity Index
粘 度 指 数

Sulphated Ash, wt%
硫 酸 盐 灰 份, 重 量%
Total Base Number, mg KOH/g
总 碱 值, mg KOH/g
Flash Point, ℃
闪 火 点.,℃
Pour Point, ℃
倾 点,℃
Density @ 15 ℃,kg/L
密 度 @ 15 ℃, 千克 / 升