
简 介
美孚飞马6 0 5 燃气机油是采用精选的最高质量的基础油配制而成, 提供极佳的氧化、硝化及热稳定性, 能减少积碳、漆膜及沉淀物有极佳的抗泡沫、抗乳化和防腐蚀能力。又因为采用最新技术的添加剂配方, 同时提供杰出的阀座抗磨保护、防腐、中和酸性侵蚀、降低沉积物形成趋势以及延长火花塞寿命,也可防止活塞环磨损、划伤和汽缸磨损。
用 途
美孚飞马6 0 5特别为以垃圾堆填区的沼气和高硫分的燃气为燃料的燃气机而配制的燃气发动机油。这些应用需要油品具有足够的备用总碱值和保持碱性的能力以中和如卤化物和硫化氢等酸性物质。当用于涡轮增压和自然吸气的中到高速四冲程C a t e r p i l l a r 、S u p e r i o r 及 W a u k e s h a等需要中至低灰分润滑油的燃气机时, 能提供杰出的保护。其独特的添加剂配方有效地防止这些侵蚀性气体对轴承的腐蚀。另外, 该产品不含锌和磷, 不会对催化转换器造成影响。
优 点
美孚飞马6 0 5 系列具有以下优点:

Product Descr1ption
Mobil Pegasus 605 gas engine oil is made from the highestquality selected base stocks to provide excellent oxidation,nitration and thermal stability, reduced levels of carbon,varnish and sludge formation, and longer oil and filter life.The product has superior resistance to foaming, exhibitsgood demulsibility and provides protection againstcorrosion. Mobil Pegasus 605 uses a new-concept technology additive system to provide outstanding valve seat wear protection, corrosion and acid neutralising control, low deposit-forming tendencies and excellent spark plug life. The product also provides superb protection against piston scuffing, scoring and cylinder wear..
Mobil Pegasus 605 is specially designed for gas engines running on landfill gas or sour gas. These require enough TBN reserve and lkalinity retention to neutralise acidic components such as Total Organic Halides expressed as chlorine (TOHCI) and/or H2S at moderate levels. The
product provides outstanding protection for turbocharged and naturallyaspirated, medium and high-speed, four cycle Caterpillar, Superior, and Waukesha gas engines requiring a product of low to medium ash level. Its unique additive system has been designed to provide eferential protection to bearing materials which tend to suffer the greatest distress in the presence of aggressive gases. Mobil Pegasus 605 contains no zinc or phosphorus, so it can be used in three way and selective catalytic systems without causing problems.
Mobil Pegasus 605 Series offers the following advantages :
· Designed for medium to high-speed, four-cycle gas engines
· Unique patent additive system
· Outstanding control of corrosion and carefully balanced acid-neutralisation
· Low deposit forming characteristics
· Excellent protection against wear and scuffing
· Very good control of valve and seat wear
· Excellent resistance to oxidation and nitration

Characteristics 特 性以 下 所 列 数 据 除 特 别 注 明 外, 均 为 典 型 值
Typical values unless otherwise stated

MMobil Pegasus 605
美孚飞马60 5

SAE Grade
SAE 等 级


Viscosity 粘 度
cSt @ 40℃@40℃厘 斯
cSt @ 100℃@100℃ 厘 斯


Viscosity Index
粘 度 指 数

Sulphated Ash, wt%
硫 酸 盐 灰 份, 重 量%
Total Base Number, mg KOH/g
总 碱 值, mg KOH/g
Flash Point, ℃
闪 火 点.,℃
Pour Point, ℃
倾 点,℃
Density @ 15 ℃,kg/L
密 度 @ 15 ℃, 千克 / 升