
简 介
美孚飞马505系列是一种优质燃气机油, 主要用于电火花点燃的二冲程和四冲程燃气机内压缩和动力气缸及曲轴箱的润滑。由高质矿物基础油和先进的添加剂配方调制而成,具有高度化学稳定性和抗氧化性。加上它非淤积而引起的爆震现象。出色的防腐特性可保护气缸和轴承免受腐蚀磨损减至最小。美孚飞马5 0 5 系列将涡轮增压四冲程燃气机内活塞环、缸套、轴承和阀座的磨损减至最小。它可使发动机保持高度清洁, 使滤器寿命及发动机大修期得以延长。由于它具有高粘度指数和良好的低温流动性, 故可确保发动机在高温工作和低温启动时均受到有效的润滑保护。美孚飞马5 0 5 系列出色的性能在现场得到验证, 并获得所有天然气发动机制造商的确认和推荐。
用 途
美孚飞马5 0 5 系列推荐用于电火花点燃的二冲程和四冲程燃气机内压缩和动力气缸及曲轴箱的润滑。它满足在高温或高海拔条件下、在额定功率或超过额定功率条件下工作的、具有高功率密度或涡轮增压的最现代的燃气机的特殊要求。同时也符合在一般条件下工作的低速二冲程或四冲程发动机的要
优 点
美孚飞马5 0 5 系列具有以下优点:
·使发动机更清洁, 延长发动机寿命,降低大修成本
·燃烧室无积碳, 无动力损失
Product Descr1ption
Mobil Pegasus 505 Series Oils are premium quality gas engine oils primarily intended for the lubrication of crankcase and power compression cylinders of spark-ignited, two stroke and four-stroke gas-fuelled engines. This Series is formulated from high quality mineral oils and an advanced additive system to provide a high level of chemical stability and resistance to oxidation. This, together with its very effective
detergency and dispersancy, means that the formation of carbon and ash deposits that can cause detonation, is negligible. Its excellent anti-corrosion properties prevent corrosive wear in cylinders and bearings. Mobil Pegasus 505 Series minimizes wear of rings, liners and bearings and curtails valve seat wear in turbo-charged four cycle engines. It provides superior engine cleanliness and filter life ndextend the periods between engine overhauls. Its high viscosity index and low temperature fluidity ensure effective lubrication at high operating temperatures and low starting temperatures. Mobil Pegasus 505 Series is field proven and is approved by all builders of natural gas ngines.
Mobil Pegasus 505 Series is recommended for the lubrication of the crankcase and power and compression cylinders of spark-ignited two-troke and four-stroke cycle gas-fuelled engines. It meets the special requirements of the most modern, high-specific-output or ambient-rated turbocharged engines operating at, or in excess of, rated capacity under high temperatures and high altitudes. It also meets the quirements of slow-speed, two-cycle and four-cycle engines operating under normal service conditions.
Mobil Pegasus 505 Series offers the following advantages :
· Clean engines, with extended engine life and reduced overhaul costs
·Long oil life and filter life
· Long spark plug life
· Low oil consumption
· Excellent thermal stability and resistance to coking.Minimum power loss caused by varnish and sludge
· Freedom from combustion chamber deposits andconsequent power loss
· Reduced port blockage with longer intervals betweencleaning
· Improved lubrication at high operating temperatures andlow starting temperatures    

Characteristics 特 性以 下 所 列 数 据 除 特 别 注 明 外, 均 为 典 型 值
Typical values unless otherwise stated

Mobil Pegasus 505

Mobil Pegasus 505-SAE 30
美孚飞马505- 30 粘度等级

SAE Grade
SAE 等 级


Density @ 15 ℃,kg/L
密 度 @ 15 ℃, 千克 / 升


Flash Point, ℃
闪 火 点.,℃

Pour Point, ℃
倾 点,℃
Viscosity 粘 度
cSt @ 40℃ @40℃ 厘 斯cSt
@ 100℃ @100℃ 厘 斯
Viscosity Index
粘 度 指 数
Total Base Number, mg KOH/g
总 碱 值, mg KOH/g
Sulphated Ash, wt%
硫 酸 盐 灰 份, 重 量%