美孚高温滑脂 78

简 介
用 途

Product Descr1ption
Mobiltemp 78 grease is a non-soap thickened, high temperature greases for industrial applications where the capability of conventional greases may be exceeded by either continuous high temperature or cyclic conditions ranging from normal to extremely high temperatures. It is remarkably resistant to high temperature oxidation, to high temperature hardening or softening (and subsequent leakage) and provide
good protection from corrosion in humid atmospheres. Mobiltemp 78 contains Molybdenum Disulfide.
· Provides good corrosion protection for both steel and non-ferrous metals
· Minimizes leakage at high temperature
· Maintains good low temperature dispensability
· Provides longer service life over a wider temperature range than conventional greases
The Mobiltemp 78 grease is recommended for the lubrication of plain and antifriction bearings operating continuously in the 150 ℃ to 175 ℃ range or under conditions where bearings are repeatedly cycled from normal ambient temperatures to the range encountered in equipment such as oven conveyors, kiln car bearing and paper mill dryers and corrugators. The frequency of purging and relubrication of bearings is a function of the extent of exposure of the grease to high temperature and can only be determined on a case by case basis.
· Highly resistant to changes in structure and consistency over a wide temperature range
· Resistant to washout by water, steam and mild acidic or alkaline washes
· Exhibit low volatility to minimize hardening at high temperature
· Corrosion and oxidation inhibited
· Good pumpability

Characteristics 特 性以 下 所 列 数 据 除 特 别 注 明 外, 均 为 典 型 值
Typical values unless otherwise stated

Mobiltemp 78
美 孚 高 温 滑 脂 78

NLGI Grade
NLGI 编 号


结 构

光 滑

Soap type 皂 基
Percent 百 分 比

Modified Clay 改 良 粘 土
Penetration, 25 ℃
Worked 60 x
操 作 60 次 后 针 入 度 25 ℃
290 / 340
Dropping Point, ℃ min.
最 低 滴 点 ℃
Mineral Oil Viscosity 矿 物 油 粘 度
cSt @ 40 ℃
@40 ℃ 厘 斯
cSt @ 100 ℃
@100 ℃ 厘 斯

Four-Ball Wesr Scar
mm, Max., ASTM D-2266
4 球 压 试 验,最 大 磨 损 疤 痕 直 径, 毫 米


Corrosion Protection 防 腐 蚀 试 验
Copper Strip, FTM 5309
24 hrs. @ 99 ℃
@ 铜 片,在 99 ℃ 下 24 小 时
Steel Strip, FTM 5309
24 hrs. @ 99 ℃
@ 钢 片,在 99 ℃ 下 24 小 时

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