美孚佳特 40 系列

简 介
美孚佳特430和440是总碱值达40的优质发动机油,专为燃烧重油的船用柴油发动机而设计。这一 列发动机油显示了卓越的与重油相容特性。从而达到了发动机高度清洁 果,特别是在发动机曲轴箱的凸轮轴部份,同时也显露出卓越的抗高温氧化性和保持稳定性、挥发性、承受负荷性及防腐蚀性能。
用 途
在近岸船、内陆船和拖船等所使用的新型筒式活塞柴油机,远洋轮船上的辅机,或建筑机械的主机和发电机等来说,美孚佳特12系 适合作它们汽缸和轴承的润滑油。这种 产品是特别为那些需要使用符合美国石油协会品质分类CD级机油的柴油机而设计的。在功率的十字头式柴油机,它可作为曲柄箱的轴承油和活塞冷却油。当筒式活塞柴油机使用含硫量1.5%或以直馏柴油时,美孚佳特12系油有非常满意的表现。
优 点
性 质
美 孚 佳 特 340 和 440 配 方 具 有 卓 越 的 抗 氧 化 性 和 提 高 发 动 机 清 洁 性,从 而 防 止 磨 损。对 于 因 高 硫 份 燃 油 而 形 成 的 强 酸,有良 好 的 中 和 作 用。减 少 酸 性 物 质 进 入 曲 轴 箱 而 致 活 塞 环、缸 套 及 轴 承 被 腐 蚀 的 机 会。

Product Descr1ption
Mobilgard 340 and 440 are premium quality 40 TBN engine oils designed for use in the most severe residualfuelled marine medium-speed diesel applications. These new marine diesel engine oils provide outstanding residual fuel compatability characteristics for excellent engine
cleanliness, especially in crankcase and camshaft areas. They provide excellent high temperature oxidation and thermal stability, low volatility, load carrying properties and corrosion protection.
This new Series of oils is the result of an extensive Research and Development program, incorporating Mobil’s exclusive RFD(Residual Fuel Detection) Test. They meet the requirement of medium speed trunk piston engines used as main propulsion and auxiliary diesels on deep-sea
vessels, and as main propulsion engines on coastal and river ships. Mobilgard 40 Series oils are designed to meet the needs of engines operating on heavy fuel. They are recommended for use in the latest model high power two and four cycle diesel engines. Mobilgard 40 Series is especially beneficial in engines having low crankcase oil consumption, or operating with low cylinder liner temperatures, and with fuels having high sulphur content.
Mobilgard 40 Series oils provide the following benefits
when used as recommended:
·Provide excellent Lube/Fuel Compatibility
·Maintain camshaft spaces and crankcase in good
·Reduce piston ring belt deposits
·Good TBN retention resulting in protection against
corrosion and providing long oil life
·Long oil life and good oil consumption control
·Separates easily from water
Mobilgard 340 and 440 are formulated to provide excellent resistance to thermal degradation and to promote a high level of engine cleanliness with protection against wear. They have good resistance to oxidation and viscosity increases over long operating periods. Relatively high alkalinity reserves in these oils provide superior protection in neutralizing the strong acids resulting from the use of
high sulphur fuels that find access to the crankcase to promote oil degradation, ring, cylinder and bearing corrosion.

Characteristics 特 性以 下 所 列 数 据 除 特 别 注 明 外, 均 为 典 型 值
Typical values unless otherwise stated

Mobilgard 340
美 孚 佳 特 340
Mobilgard 440
美 孚 佳 特 440

SAE 编 号


Density @15°C, kg/L
密 度 15°C,千 克/ 升


Flash Point, °C
闪 火 点,°C

Pour Point, °C
倾 点,°C
Viscosity 粘 度
cSt @ 40 °C
@ 40 °C 厘 斯
cSt @ 100 °C
@100 °C 厘 斯
Viscosity index, Min.
粘 度 指 数,不 低 于
总 碱 值
Sulphated Ash, % Wt.
硫 酸 化 灰 份,重 量 %